Divorce and the empty nest
Empty Nest Syndrome is when the last child leaves home and parents suddenly find that they are once again alone in the house. For many, it’s something they may not have experienced for 20 or 30 years. Parents with a house full of rowdy children may think it sounds great to have this empty nest
Read MoreHow are qualified retirement accounts transferred during divorce?
Adults who are going through a divorce will have a lot of factors to work through. One is how to divide the property. While it might be easy to decide what happens to smaller assets, larger ones can often be more challenging. One type of asset that can lead to significant problems is a retirement
Read MoreGet your groove back after your Texas divorce
Divorce has a way of taking the wind out of even the most resilient of people’s sails. When you pledged to love and honor your spouse until death, you meant those words sincerely. Later, when things changed irrevocably, you were brokenhearted over the failure of your marriage. That is, indeed, understandable, and you have every
Read MoreCommon law, same-sex marriages under Texas law
Long before the legality of same-sex marriages became the law of the land here in the United States, heterosexual and same-sex couples had been shacking up and sharing their lives just as if they had walked down the aisle together. At some point after same-sex marriage was legalized, many of these couples wed. As such,
Read MorePostnups: The documents you don’t realize (yet) that you need
Most people have heard of prenuptial agreements and have a working knowledge of why they are so handy. But fewer realize the benefits of postnups or why they really need one. It’s also common to believe that if you married without a prenup in place, you have no options. However, these legal documents can provide a framework
Read MoreSocial media can be a helpful tool in your divorce
In a previous post, we talked about how social media can negatively affect you. However, there are ways it can work in your favor, too, especially if you have to collect evidence for your divorce. While you know better than to post anything improper on social media (including photos, videos and information), your spouse might
Read MoreGoing through a ‘gray divorce?’ Read this first
In past generations, older couples with less-than-perfect marriages tended to soldier on together regardless of the level of dissatisfaction the spouses felt toward their respective partners. But while overall divorce rates in the United States are dropping, for those 50 and older, there is an uptick in divorce. A divorce over the age of 50
Read MoreSocial media: Venting can result in serious trouble in court
Social media is a relatively new thing to come up in divorces. Prior to the 2000’s, it was almost unheard of to have a spouse online spreading rumors or venting about his or her partner. Today, it’s so common that it’s almost something people ignore. The problem with social media is partially that it has a history
Read More2 difficult financial realities for elderly divorcees
From 1990 to 2014 the divorce rate for spouses over the age of 50 has doubled. For spouses over the age of 65, the rate has tripled. This means that more so-called “gray divorces” are happening at this time than ever before. Just because spouses have more life experience at this age, however, does not
Read MoreDon’t overlook the benefits of a prenuptial agreement
When you decide to tie the knot with the person you love, you assume you will be married for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, this does not always hold true. There are times when divorce comes into play, meaning that you will face a variety of challenges and questions. A prenuptial agreement may be just
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