The division of marital assets and debts is often the most complicated and contentious divorce issue to resolve, especially when there are assets of significant value involved. To protect your financial interests — contact the law offices of Harris County property division lawyer Mary Quinn for a confidential consultation.
At the law office of Mary Quinn, you will benefit from the fact that Mary Quinn has been successfully litigating these matters in southeast Texas courts for more than 40 years. In fact, litigation experience is and has always been what truly sets our practice apart from the majority of other divorce law firms in and around Houston. As a result, we are often able to negotiate settlements that achieve our clients’ goals while sparing them the expense, frustrations and uncertain outcomes that a trial can bring.
In terms of our practice, we offer effective advocacy for nearly every issue or legal need associated with the division of marital assets and debts, including:
In a Texas divorce, the basic presumption is that all property is community property, which in real terms means that it belongs equally to both spouses and that it is subject to division during the divorce process. Contrary to what most people think, this does not automatically mean a 50-50 division.
If there is a dispute, the only way to get around this presumption and keep certain assets out of the community property “pot” is to provide clear and convincing evidence that particular assets or pieces of property should be characterized as separate property for purposes of the divorce.
Attorney Mary Quinn’s 40 years of courtroom experience has given her a comprehensive knowledge of the Texas laws that govern the division of marital property and debts.
Although Texas is the only state that does not have alimony per se, we have successfully fought both for and against awards of temporary spousal maintenance on many occasions. Post divorce spousal maintenance may be available in certain situations.
The services we provide in negotiating and drafting prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are also related to the property division. In fact, a carefully considered and well-drafted pre- or post-marital agreement is often the most effective tool for protecting your financial interests in the event of a divorce.
In every case, we handle all issues with the utmost discretion and confidentiality with sensitivity to public exposure.
Call us directly at 713-225-0094 or contact us online.